Mastering Creativity: Three Tips and Real-life Insights from a LinkedIn Top Voice for Innovation

creativity & innovation Feb 13, 2024

 By Tessa Manuello, Founder & CEO of Legal Creatives | The Legal Designers

As I celebrate the honor of being recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice for Creativity and Innovation, I'd like to share these tips with the intention of inspiring other professionals to elevate their creative potential. This accomplishment is not just a personal milestone but a testament to the transformative power of shared knowledge on the professional network on LinkedIn. 

To commemorate this occasion, I am sharing three imperative tips to enhance creativity in your professional endeavors. Cultivate a diverse knowledge base, embrace unconventional thinking, and foster a collaborative culture within your professional circles. By doing so, you can unlock the full spectrum of your creative abilities and contribute to a more innovative and dynamic professional landscape.

In this article, I will share a couple of real-life examples that showcase my commitment to put into practice these concepts and share some strategies you can implement today to unleash more of your creativity, today! Here's to the pursuit of excellence through the transformative power of creativity! Let's dive in!


Tip no1. Cultivate a Diverse Knowledge Base

The notion of thinking "outside the box" is a cliché used to encourage innovative thinking. However, as I've learned firsthand from creative thinkers and authorities, the key is not to step outside your existing framework but rather to expand it. The first pillar of creativity lies in the depth and breadth of your knowledge. Seek out information beyond your immediate field of expertise. Embrace diverse perspectives, disciplines, and industries. This expansive approach to learning will furnish you with a rich reservoir of ideas and concepts to draw upon when solving complex problems or approaching tasks from an innovative angle.

As a LinkedIn Top Voice for Creativity and Innovation, my personal and professional journey has been characterized by a commitment to continual learning. Make it a priority to regularly expose yourself to new concepts, emerging trends, and interdisciplinary insights. This broadened knowledge base will serve as a wellspring for creative thinking in your professional pursuits.

Cultivating a diverse knowledge base has been a cornerstone of my professional journey, allowing me to navigate the complex situations with a multifaceted approach. Here is a real-life insight showcasing my commitment to exploring various fields and integrating this knowledge into both my academic and professional pursuits. I'm sharing them in hope to illustrate my first point and inspire you to take action.

A real-life insight about how I cultivated a diverse knowledge base:

In my quest to delve deeper into the fascinating world of creativity, I consumed literature, attended events, and experimented with various creative outlets. This exploration went beyond traditional studies and encompassed the broader realms of art, poetry, psychology, spirituality, and ... business! Yes I love to get inspired by creative entrepreneurs. I expanded my research and dived first-hand into its practical action by practicing improvisation, the art of performing on stage without a script. 

This hands-on approach culminated in a comprehensive research paper that not only explored the facets of creativity but also delved into the ability to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances int he field of negotiations, mediation and conflict resolution. The paper was the best at the law faculty for that year, which is a testament to the interconnectedness of skills and how a diverse knowledge base can contribute to groundbreaking insights even in a traditionally rigid academic setting.

A practical tip to expand your box: 

Attend Interdisciplinary Conferences and Workshops.

To cultivate a diverse knowledge base, consider attending interdisciplinary conferences and workshops. By actively participating in events beyond the legal sphere, you open yourself to fresh perspectives. Attend workshops related to technology, design thinking, or other fields unrelated to law. This engagement broadens your understanding and equips you with a diverse toolkit.

Tip no2. Embrace Unconventional Thinking:

Creativity thrives outside the confines of conventional thought. Challenge old ways of thinking, question assumptions, and be open to explore completely new ideas. By fostering an environment that encourages unconventional thinking, you create a space where potentially groundbreaking solutions and innovative approaches can flourish.

As a recipient of the LinkedIn Top Voice badge, I attribute much of my success to embracing unconventional perspectives in the legal field. I constantly challenge myself to do things differently and go beyond the status quo. My professional journey has been punctuated by a commitment to embracing and applying new ideas even in the traditionally conservative legal field. This commitment has not only defined my success but has also propelled my reputation to new heights through the use of refreshingly creative and innovative strategies. Let's delve into a couple of real-life examples that exemplify this commitment.

A real-life insight about how I embraced unconventional thinking:

In a legal landscape often dominated by subdued and conservative black and white branding, I took a bold step by infusing vibrant pink and blue colors into my brand's visual identity. This departure from the conventional legal color palette aimed to project a modern, dynamic and daring image.

The choice of colors was intentional – a departure from the traditional blacks associated with the legal profession. The vibrant hues communicated innovation, creativity, and a willingness to break away from the norm. The impact was immediate and profound.

Our distinctive branding not only caught the attention of clients but also positioned us as a forward-thinking and dynamic platform. It became a talking point within the industry, setting us apart from competitors and challenging the traditional norms associated with legal branding.

A practical tip to embrace unconventional thinking:

Integrate Design Thinking into Legal Processes.

To embrace unconventional thinking in the legal profession, integrate design thinking methodologies into your processes. Design thinking encourages empathy, experimentation, and iteration – key components of fostering innovation.

In the legal practice, empathy might seem like an unusual term. However, the power of empathizing with clients and end-users is a potent force that can significantly enhance the legal service delivery. Whether you're working in an in-house legal department or a law firm, adopting a structured and methodical approach to innovation through design thinking can enhance client satisfaction and unleash the power of unconventional thinking.

By empathizing with end-users, understanding their pain points, and iteratively refining solutions, anyone can enhance the experience of its products and services. Yes even lawyers! Let's take an example. 

Clients, especially those in fast-paced industries, often express frustration with delays in receiving legal advice from their lawyers. The same applies to in-house teams. By using the design thinking process and developing an empathetic outlook, it becomes possible to fully understand the client's perspective. 

How? By conducting interviews, surveys, and feedback sessions. Doing so, you gain insights into the specific pain points clients faced during the legal consultation process. Armed with a deep understanding of the client's challenges (why it's frustrating them, when it happens, how it's materialized, and what exactly is too slow) you can now initiate an iterative process of refinement to streamline the service delivery.

This example illustrates how lawyers can apply empathetic innovation to accelerate service delivery for clients. By empathizing with the client's perspective, understanding pain points, and iteratively refining solutions, legal professionals can transform traditional service delivery models into efficient and client-centric processes. This approach not only enhances the client experience but also positions the law firm (or the in-house legal department) as a proactive and responsive partner in the fast-paced legal landscape.

Tip no 3. Foster a Collaborative Culture

Creativity is often sparked through collaboration and diverse viewpoints. Actively seek out opportunities to engage with colleagues, industry peers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds. A collaborative culture not only facilitates the exchange of ideas but also creates a collective intelligence that propels creativity to new heights.

My journey as a LinkedIn Top Voice has been shaped by the collaborative exchange of ideas on a global platform. Foster an environment where teamwork and shared exploration are celebrated. Encourage open communication and the free exchange of thoughts, creating a dynamic space where creativity can thrive.

Fostering a collaborative culture has been a guiding principle in my professional journey, leading to innovative solutions and a more inclusive approach. Here are a couple of real-life examples that underscore the importance of collaboration and the diverse networks I've cultivated outside the legal realm.

A real-life insight about how I foster a collaborative culture:

At Legal Creatives, we're all about bringing professionals together, from all over the world. It's one of the core value and value proposition of our course offerings. I deliberately designed courses and programs that brings together individuals from diverse geographical and professional backgrounds. Opting for an online platform enabled me to create a truly global collaborative environment. Professionals from different corners of the world, with varied backgrounds, converged to engage in a shared learning experience.

This inclusive approach not only enriches the learning environment but also fosters a culture of collaboration and shared knowledge. Discussions within the online courses became melting pots of ideas, with participants offering insights shaped by their unique perspectives. The collaborative culture extended beyond the courses, as participants continued to connect and collaborate on various projects long after the programs concluded.

The decision to embrace online education became a strategic move to break down geographical barriers and create a space where collaboration transcended borders. It shows that fostering a collaborative culture is not limited to physical proximity but extends to creating accessible platforms that unite diverse individuals from around the globe. True innovation and collaboration often thrive when we break down silos, inviting individuals with varied expertise and backgrounds to contribute to a shared vision.

A practical tip to embrace unconventional thinking:

Establish Cross-Functional Teams and/or Innovation Projects.

Creating a collaborative culture within a legal setting involves breaking down silos and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. One practical step is to establish cross-functional teams comprising legal professionals, technologists, designers, and other relevant experts. This collaborative effort will facilitate the exchange of insights, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the challenges to solve and opportunities to seize. By encouraging open communication and shared problem-solving, these cross-functional teams can operate an environment where creativity flourishes, leading to innovative solutions that wouldn't have been possible within isolated silos.

In conclusion ...

By implementing these practical tips, any legal professionals can actively embrace a diverse knowledge base, unconventional thinking, and a collaborative culture within their practices.Remember it can be as simple as attending interdisciplinary events! For those who want to go one step further, then integrate design thinking into your legal processes to streamline your legal service delivery. Or for those ready to take bold action, establish cross-functional teams to unlock the full potential of creativity and innovation in the legal field. Embracing these strategies not only aligns with the principles of creativity and innovation but also will position you at the forefront of a rapidly evolving and creatively charged legal landscape.

Being recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice for Creativity and Innovation is not just a personal achievement but a testament to my dedication to bringing this topic into the law over the past 10+ years. This journey has been marked by a commitment to expanding my own knowledge, embracing unconventional perspectives, and fostering a collaborative culture within and beyond the legal domain.

As I reflect on this recognition, I am fueled by the excitement of what lies ahead. The question now is not just about the badge proudly displayed on my profile but about the next chapter in this creative journey. Which badge should adorn the digital shelf next? I turn to you, my audience, for inspiration! Send your suggestions by email, and let's embark on the next phase of this exciting journey together! I look forward to hearing from you - you can reach out to me at [email protected]

Thank you for being part of the LinkedIn community, where knowledge converges, ideas flourish, and innovation knows no bounds. Here's to the future of creativity and innovation – a future shaped by collaborative endeavors and the shared pursuit of excellence.