Be on the Waitlist for the Spark Accelerator

Hit Your Target Every Quarter With the Legal Creatives Accelerator!

The Spark Accelerator is a transformative curriculum by Legal Creatives focused on helping you implement. your learnings to reach your goals and hit your targets every quarter! 


And the Results Speak for Themselves ...



Meet Marco Mendola (UK)

Successfully used the Accelerator to get her first client project, applied the methodology with our support and guidance and received a special award as a recognition of the value generated for clients! 


Meet Alexandra Varla (Greece)

Successfully applied the methodology to launch her own Legal Design Agency, built a Brand with a strong Online Presence, created a Visual Privacy Policy for her client, got her First Paid Client in Greece and now serves her clients with a Contract and Legal Design approach!


Meet Marty Finestone (Canada)

Successfully applied the methodology to master contract design and simplification and got hired as a full-time Legal Designer & Innovator in residence in a fast-growing Legal Tech in Canada, mentoring lawyers to use these principles when serving clients!



Meet Dorra Harrar (Tunisia)

Successfully applied the methodology to create a visual partnership agreement that both client and partners love, and as a result, was nominated by her client and received an International Excellence Award award for her Contract Design & Innovation.


And I know you can too and this is exactly why I'd like to share the Spark Accelerator Experience with you! 

And the Results Speak for Themselves ...



Meet Marco Mendola (UK)

uccessfully applied the methodology to create visual legal terms clients love and received a special award as a recognition of the value generated for clients, helped transform the legal approach and got a full-time position in Contract Design and Simplification.



Meet Alexandra Varla (Greece)

Successfully applied the methodology to launch her own Legal Design Agency, built a Brand with a strong Online Presence, created a Visual Privacy Policy for her client,  and now serves her clients with a Contract and Legal Design approach. 



Meet Marty Finestone (Canada)

Successfully applied the methodology to master contract design and simplification and is now working full time as an innovator in residence in a fast-growing Legal Tech, mentoring lawyers to use these principles when serving clients. 



Meet Dorra Harrar (Tunisia)

Successfully applied the methodology to create a visual partnership agreement that both client and partners love, and as a result, was nominated by her client and received an International Excellence Award award for her Contract Design & Innovation.


And now, I'd like to share the Spark Membership Experience with you! 

Let's Check off Your Goals!

 Hit Your Target Every Quarter With the Legal Creatives Accelerator. This is my promise to you! I will be here to guide you and support you. 


 Questions? Email Tessa at [email protected]